Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Experimental phase

Passing through an experimental phase means, as the word itself says, experimenting, trying new things, exploring, changing, wanting something new and different, making your life a hocus pocus, a magic world that is only yours and that no one else can touch, enter, or vitiate.

The thing about experimenting is wanting to be someone else, wanting to try your luck in other shoes, to be equal to your friends, to escape from all that surrounds you, and try to form your own world in which you are your own boss and an independent person. That, usually means become a rebellion.

People, in most cases, pass through this phase as teenagers (from 14-17/18), but I think there is no age limit for experimenting. Phases just happen. They come and go. Every part of life is a new phase; some effect us more some less, some you feel some you don't. Life, itself, is experimenting, trying, sometimes exceeding and sometimes failing.

I can't say I have passed through an experimental phase. Maybe I have, but I didn't feel it, or notice it. All I know is that I was always a good, quiet child, very calm especially at school, never escaping classes, drinking or smoking. I lived and I am living as the social codex says. I was always different from my classmates and never a rebellion.

Maybe this is my experimental phase; being different and doing things differently from others. I don't know. I know that I enjoy being the person I am, and that I don't want to change.

I can say I'm completely different from Chaim or Curly Oxide, but I can understand him.
I can understand him because every person has something that is just his/hers and no one else's. He had his experimental phase, which changed his life, and gave him an opportunity to really know his inner-self, and to see what he wants to be in further life.
This phase may changed "natural" flow of his life, but it also gave him a chance to choose a path, a direction in which he wants to go through life.

Experimental phase comes and goes; it enters into every one's life, although not necessarily, changes, disturbs it, makes a mess, and then without knowing disappears. It plays, experiments with us, gives our parents headaches, makes us rebellious, but all in purpose of a goal, a goal that can be like in Chaim's case: knowing yourself better and choosing the right direction, direction that will lead us into a new life phase and make us experiment once more.

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